14 May 2007

24: Almost Over People

The Chinese divide CTU into two groups: main characters and people we've never seen before. Jack, Nadia, and Morris embark on an extended hand-to-hand combat scene. And Morris is the least successful of the three. But all ends well, as Ricky comes in to save the day. Chinese-in-CTU problem? Solved.

Jack and Ricky are in pursuit of the Chinese that took Mutant Josh Bauer out of CTU through the sewers. Josh talks to his grandfather on the phone. Grandpa's plan is to take Josh to China. They would both be considered giants in that country, so this makes sense.

The CTU team catches up to the Chinese and there is a Shootout in an Empty Warehouse (TM, 24). It includes a patented Jack Bauer move where he slides across the floor while shooting, so it was a little bit money. Long story short, Jack takes out every Chinese practically single-handedly, and then rescues Josh by somehow lifting Josh's huge body with one arm. I guess not the arm he was stabbed in earlier. Cheng is the sole Chinese survivor and slips through the alleged perimeter.

Back in DC, Lisa is still banging her boyfriend. When they're done, Tom (watching from the van, you'll remember) hilariously says, "Aaaand... finally we're done." He is easily my favorite character this year, and the only thing that made this season worth watching! Boyfriend confronts Lisa, saying he knows she's lying about something. Lisa starts beating the crap out of him, and he returns the favor. Tom and goons run in to save the day, and they force Boyfriend to transmit the false info to the Russians. Lisa's unconscious. Bitch got what she deserved, if you ask me.

At CTU, someone from Division shows up to assess the security breach. It's that exciting.

Powers Boothe lies to the Russian President's video-conferenced face and tells him that they found and destroyed the component. The Russian President knows he's lying, and knows that they set Boyfriend up with false information. Russia 1, U.S. 0. Russia threatens an attack on the U.S. - in 2 hours. Just in time for the end of the season finale! Grandpa Bauer calls Powers Boothe. He wants Josh and passage to China, in exchange for the component. There is a "tense" scene where Powers, Karen, and Tom debate what to do. They decide to give up Josh. So Ricky takes him from Jack. With the help of a hella lame distraction. Some CTU agent is all, "Jack, you have a phone call." He walks toward the agent and Ricky takes Josh into a helicopter.

Next week: it's finally over. And Bill Buchanan makes an appearance. And Chloe is passed out on the floor or something. Sure, why not?

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