07 May 2007

Heroes: Why Are There Only 2 Episodes Left??!!

This wasn't the greatest episode ever, but it was definitely setting up the last two episodes, which should be.

New Hero: Molly Walker. The Little Girl Who Can Locate Anyone. She's dying from the same blood disease Mohinder's sister had. I figured out the antibody would be in Mohinder's blood. I don't understand all that, but I figured it out.

Sylar paints the future - him taking Ted's power and exploding. He claims he doesn't want to cause the apocalypse. He only kills people for their braaaains. Sylar goes back to his nerdy, Clark Kent-ish self and goes to see his mommy. Turns out Sylar has mommy issues - she's pushing him to not be normal, saying he could be President someday. Mmmm hmmm. Too bad he ends up accidentally stabbing her through the heart and killing her. And painting another floorpocalypse on her floor... with her blood.

How cute was Claire's reaction to finding out her Real Daddy can fly? A coy little "cool." I heart Claire!

Peter and Claire are the cutest incestuous couple since... Peter and Nathan. He gave her a gun and told her to kill him if he starts to go nuclear. They meet up with Bennet, Ted, and Matt. And Peter's hands start heating up. Get ready for the apocalypse, baby!

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