14 May 2007

The Sopranos: Hey, At Least Something Happened

At the beginning anyway. Tony and Christopher are driving and get in a bad car wreck. Chrissie's all F-ed up -- and then Tony suffocates him!!! Now the question is, did he kill him because he wanted to get rid of him and just seized this opportunity? Or, did he want to put him out of his misery? Or, was he pissed because Chrissie was using again and endangering his baby? Probably all of the above. In any case, R.I.P. Christophuh. At least he had that great scene last week when he shot Tim Daly in the head.

But after that death, nothing much happened. Tony went to Vegas and got high and seemed happy Chrissie was dead. Paulie's mom died and no one showed up to the wake. HA! And A.J. beat up another person and went to the psychiatrist. Fun times!

Also, Reason #436 not to live in New Jersey - the mob dumps asbestos in the water.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I think Tony is going to lose it soon. He is breaking down.